Borders: Invasives Making I
Some ideas:
“How to Invade”
“How to Cross Borders”
this is an anti coloring book where your goal is to cross borders and invade?
“How to Hunt and Fish”
like a regular “how to” book, but randomly throw in weird advice about immigration law, etc?
a play on the word “hunt” (hunt for dates) and “fish” (fish for compliments)
“How to Recognize Friends and Foe”
a play on “Flora and Fauna” books but for humans
this might be way too cynical for me to pull off
“A Guide to Talking About Your Fellow Humans”
design a bunch of elementary school style exercises, like a little workbook
ex. match the vocabulary word to the image (see sketch)
“Space Invaders”
a play on the old Space Invaders game, but its ‘space’ invaders
do you kill the thing that doesn’t belong?
is it like the threatening alien test in Men in Black?
Some references images above for tone…not sure what the tone should be. I’m sensing either sadly playful or weirdly serious.