
Recode Week 3: Iterative Patterns

Encode 1:

Speculate: There are two levels of interactivity in the sketch: one is that the pattern changes on a mouse click, but it also refreshes when the window is resized. There is a grid in which squares are randomly assigned a black or white fill.


Encode 2:

Speculate: There are two levels of interactivity in the sketch: one is that the pattern changes on a mouse click, but it also refreshes when the window is resized. There are three rows of vertical rectangles that resize with the window (but there are always three rows). It seems like there is a positioning equation?


Decode 1:

Predict: a grid that is 10 x 10 of the windowWidth and windowHeight on a white background with black stroke. Each cell on that grid will be rotated (?) .

Run/Investigate: Additionally, the cells were all made a constrained range of sizes.


Decode 2:

Predict: a grid that rotates…?

Run/Investigate: Did not see that coming.


Recode one of the examples from this week’s featured artists. Or draw inspiration form some contemporary artists linked below. Or use an element previously created for this course (or another one) to generate a pattern and integrate random variation(s) in some way. Or work from inspiration you find anywhere! Be sure to consider all the possible visual characteristics to modify. Animation and interaction encouraged for even more variation.

Reflect on the discoveries and challenges you encountered during the exercises. What graphic or animation effects are most pleasing to you? Where did you get stuck, and what steps did you take to troubleshoot? What code-related techniques would you like to explore and practice more?